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Atlanta's SNOWIEST Day in History was during the Great Atlanta Blizzard when 10"+ of Snow fell in Atlanta the high that day was 36 back in January 1940! In 1886 North Georgia had 25" of SNOW in Rome. Then come the 1973 Ice Storm 2 to 4 Inches of Ice then the Snowjam of 1982 the high was 26 in March of 1983 7.9" of Snow. Then the Major Blizzard of 1993 3 Feet of Snow in North Georgia and 4+ Inches in Atlanta. Next was the Superbowl Ice Storm in January 2000 the storm costed $48 million in Losses and there was a 47- Car Wreck on I-20 westbound! There was a lull in Winter weather then another big ice storm hit in January 2005 more than a Quarter of a million people lost power. All climate stations in Georgia ranked in the top 10 for highest snowfall amounts. There were 3 significant winters in a row 2009, 2010, and 2011. There was no Snow in 2012, 2013 only 1 Snow day and in 2014 3 Snow days. I will personally never forget Winter 2014 Snowjam 2014 on 1/28/14 there was 2 to 4 Inches of Snow in most areas with a thick layer of Ice on the roads and interstates the high that day was only 30 degrees in Atlanta. Another Major storm hit a few weeks later in February.  Winter 2017 we had Over a Foot of Snow across much of North and Western Georgia and broke a Snow record even in Atlanta at the airport of over 4 Inches of Snow and 12"+ in the Suburbs West and Northwestern Georgia and the Mountains.  Most of the Snow in 2017 fell in December. There was another storm with lower amounts in January 2018. Since then it has been fairly quiet in terms of winter storms in Georgia. When there is a chance for Winter Weather and Winter Weather Strikes depend on Brandon's 365 Weather, Traffic, and More to keep you informed through the storm or storm(s) every step of the way with updated forecasts, snowfall totals, temperature updates, ice totals, whatever the situation maybe No Matter The Weather I've Got You Covered! From Brandon Shipp Owner of Brandon's 365 Weather Traffic And More "Weather affects us everyday, no matter where we are. When the weather becomes severe, it's important that public is aware of the situation so they can prepare appropriately.  I think it is important to give to your community and providing the most accurate and up-to-date weather information is just one thing I can do to help." 

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