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Beyond The Forecast: Layers Of The Atmosphere

The Earth's atmosphere has layers of gases, known as air, that surrounds the planet due to gravity. It contains the air we breathe and protects from the sun's harmful radiation. There are 5 layers. The atmosphere consists of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, .9% Argon, along with Carbon Dioxide and other elements that make up the other 1%. The atmospheric gases become thinner the higher you go up. First, there is the Troposphere the lowest layer of the atmosphere and closest to earth, Temperatures are slightly warmer in the Stratosphere. The Stratosphere contains a layer of Ozone which protects from the Sun's ultraviolet rays. The Mesosphere comes next the air is very thin and the temperatures are cold. The Mesosphere is where meteorites burn up. The Thermosphere is where the space station and satellites orbit and temperatures increase. Last but not least, the Exosphere is over 6,000 miles above the Earth, Auroras form in this layer. Once you get out of the Exosphere, you will reach Space.

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